Is "a Software" or "a Piece of Software" Correct

When I first started working in tech, I often made the mistake of saying “a software.” It wasn’t until later that I learned “a piece of software” is the correct term.

In this article we discuss about “Is “a Software” or “a Piece of Software” Correct

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The English language can be tricky, especially when it comes to terminology used in technical fields like software development. One common question that arises is whether it’s correct to say “a software” or “a piece of software.” This might seem like a small detail, but in both everyday and professional language, getting it right is important. Let’s break down the grammatical rules, explore the correct usage, and clear up any confusion surrounding the term “software.”

Understanding the Term “Software”

What is software?

In its simplest form, software refers to a collection of instructions that tell a computer how to perform tasks. These tasks can range from running an operating system to using applications like word processors or video games. Software comes in many forms—system software, application software, and middleware.

Is "a Software" or "a Piece of Software" Correct

The evolution of software terminology

As the technology industry has grown, so has the terminology around it. The word “software” itself emerged as a way to distinguish between hardware (the physical components of a computer) and the intangible code that operates the machine. Over time, how we talk about software has changed, but the grammar rules remain consistent.

Common Usage in Everyday Language

The widespread confusion

In casual conversation, many people may not think twice before saying “a software.” It feels intuitive for native and non-native English speakers to add “a” before a noun. However, this is where grammar comes into play, and it’s important to know the difference between what feels natural and what’s correct.

Native vs. non-native speaker usage

For non-native speakers, English grammar can sometimes feel inconsistent. Many learners find it tricky to determine when they can use articles like “a” or “an.” Even native speakers may slip up when it comes to technical terms like software, especially if they don’t work in the tech industry.

Grammatical Rules in English

Understanding countable vs. uncountable nouns

In English, nouns are either countable (you can count them) or uncountable (they don’t have a plural form). Countable nouns include things like “apple” or “chair,” while uncountable nouns are things like “water” or “furniture.”

The role of “a” in English

The article “a” is used only with countable nouns to indicate a single instance of something. For example, you can say “a book” or “a car,” but you wouldn’t say “a water” or “a furniture.”

Is “Software” a Countable or Uncountable Noun?

Defining countable and uncountable nouns

A countable noun can be modified by numbers or articles such as “a” or “an.” For example, you can say “three books” or “a pen.” Uncountable nouns, on the other hand, are treated as a mass or whole entity that cannot be divided into distinct elements.

Why software is considered uncountable

“Software” falls under the uncountable noun category. You cannot say “a software” just like you wouldn’t say “a music” or “a water.” Instead, we think of software as a broad, undefined quantity—something you can’t easily break down into individual pieces without additional context.

Why “a Software” Is Incorrect

The grammatical error explained

Saying “a software” implies that software is countable, which it is not. The phrase makes sense intuitively but breaks the rules of English grammar. For example, it would be like saying “a piece of furniture” or “an information”—both of which are incorrect.

Examples of incorrect usage

  • “I installed software on my computer.” ❌
  • “She recommended a software for editing videos.” ❌

Why “a Piece of Software” Is Correct

Clarifying the phrase

When you want to talk about one specific instance of software, you need to use the phrase “a piece of software.” This is because “piece” allows you to count something that would otherwise be uncountable, similar to how you’d say “a piece of advice” or “a piece of furniture.”

Is "a Software" or "a Piece of Software" Correct

Using “piece” to make uncountable nouns countable

  • “I installed a piece of software on my computer.” ✔️
  • “She recommended a piece of software for editing videos.” ✔️

Other Common Examples of Uncountable Nouns


Much like software, information is also uncountable. You can’t say “an information,” but you can say “a piece of information.”


“Furniture” follows the same rule. Instead of “a piece of furniture,” you’d say “a piece of furniture.”


Similarly, advice is uncountable. If you want to single out a specific bit of advice, you’d say “a piece of advice.”

How to Properly Refer to Software

Saying “software” without an article

In most cases, simply saying “software” without an article is the best way to go. For instance:

  • “I need to install software for my new printer.”
  • “She designs software for a living.”

Alternative phrasing options

You can also refer to software by its specific name or function:

  • “I installed Photoshop software on my computer.”
  • “He’s using antivirus software to protect his system.”

Is “Softwares” a Valid Plural Form?

Explanation of singular vs. plural usage

“Softwares” is not considered correct in English. “Software” is treated as a mass noun, so it doesn’t have a plural form. Instead of saying “softwares,” you should refer to multiple software applications or programs.

How to express multiple software instances

  • “I have several software programs installed on my laptop.”
  • “They developed different software applications for the project.”

Contextual Usage of “Software” in Professional Settings

Tech jargon and real-world examples

In technical settings, professionals are usually more precise with language. You’ll hear terms like “software solutions,” “applications,” or “platforms” used instead of “softwares.”

Is "a Software" or "a Piece of Software" Correct

Best practices for communicating about software

When writing or speaking about software in a professional context, avoid using “a software” or “softwares.” Instead, be clear by saying “software,” “a piece of software,” or specifying the name or function of the software in question.

The Global Impact of Misusing “Software”

Why correct language matters in tech

Accurate language use in tech can prevent misunderstandings, especially in international environments where English isn’t the first language. Saying “a software” can lead to confusion among peers or clients who expect clear and professional communication.

Potential misunderstandings in international settings

Since software is often developed and discussed globally, using the wrong terminology can make things unnecessarily complicated. Knowing how to properly refer to software in English can improve communication across teams and clients from different countries.

When “Software” Becomes Countable

Specific examples in programming or development

In rare cases, software can be countable, but this usually happens when discussing different software versions or instances of software packages. For example, developers might refer to “two different pieces of software” when comparing products.

Rare cases where countable terms are used

  • “We need to test two pieces of software before launching the product.”
  • “There are several software solutions for this issue.”          

Software examples:

Examples of software include Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop, Google Chrome, and Windows operating system.

What is software:

Software is a set of instructions or programs that tell a computer how to perform specific tasks, ranging from operating systems to applications.

Types of software:

There are two main types of software: system software (like operating systems) and application software (like word processors or web browsers).

Most used software in business:

Some of the most commonly used business software includes Microsoft Office, Salesforce, QuickBooks, and Zoom.

System software:

System software is the foundational software that manages computer hardware and provides a platform for running application software. Examples include operating systems like Windows and macOS.

Software Engineer:

Is "a Software" or "a Piece of Software" Correct

A software engineer designs, develops, tests, and maintains software systems, using programming languages and engineering principles.

Best software to buy:

The best software to buy depends on your needs, but popular choices include Adobe Creative Cloud for design, Microsoft Office for productivity, and antivirus programs like Norton for security.

Types of software tools:

Software tools include development tools (like IDEs), design tools (like Sketch), testing tools (like Selenium), and database management tools (like MySQL).

 What would be useless without system software?

A computer would be useless without system software because the system software acts as an intermediary between the hardware and application software. It manages hardware resources like the CPU, memory, and storage devices, allowing applications to run smoothly. Without system software, like an operating system, a computer cannot execute tasks or communicate with the hardware, making it non-functional.

What is no-cost software called?

No-cost software is called “freeware.” Freeware is software that is made available to users at no cost, though it may come with certain limitations or restrictions. Examples include VLC Media Player and Skype. It differs from open-source software, which is also free but allows users to modify and distribute the code.

What is a piece of software that copies itself?

A piece of software that copies itself is known as a “computer virus” or a “worm.” These are types of malware designed to replicate themselves within or across systems. A virus requires a host file to spread, while a worm can copy itself and spread without any host, making it more dangerous in terms of rapid propagation.

What are the 10 examples of computer software?

Examples of computer software include:

  • Microsoft Windows (operating system)
  • macOS (operating system)
  • Linux (operating system)
  • Google Chrome (web browser)
  • Microsoft Word (word processor)
  • Adobe Photoshop (graphic design)
  • Slack (communication tool)
  • Zoom (video conferencing)
  • QuickBooks (accounting software)
  • VLC Media Player (media player)

What is a computer useless without?

A computer is useless without software. Software enables the hardware to perform tasks and interact with users. Without an operating system (system software), the computer would not be able to boot or run any applications. Without application software, users cannot perform specific tasks like writing documents, browsing the internet, or editing images.

What is not a system software?

Is "a Software" or "a Piece of Software" Correct

“Application software” is not system software. While system software manages the computer’s hardware and basic functions (e.g., operating systems like Windows or macOS), application software is designed for specific tasks, such as word processing (Microsoft Word) or browsing the internet (Google Chrome). Application software relies on system software to function.

1. Can I ever use “a software”?

 No, “software” is an uncountable noun, so you cannot say “a software.” Use “a piece of software” instead.

2. Is “software” always singular?

 Yes, “software” is treated as a singular, uncountable noun in English.

3. How should I refer to different software products?

 Use terms like “software applications,” “programs,” or “pieces of software” to talk about multiple software products.

4. Can I say “softwares” in informal speech?

 No, “softwares” is not correct, even in informal speech. Stick with “software” as the proper term.

5. What are other uncountable nouns in tech?

 Common uncountable nouns in tech include “hardware,” “data,” and “information.”

In summary, while it might feel natural to say “a software,” it’s actually incorrect. The proper way to refer to software is without an article, or by using the phrase “a piece of software” when you’re talking about a specific instance. Understanding the difference between countable and uncountable nouns in English can help you avoid common mistakes and ensure clear communication, especially in professional settings.

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